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Passivhaus homes

Our approach to Passivhaus design ensures superior insulation, airtight construction, and meticulous craftsmanship to help reduce energy consumption.

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What is Passivhaus?

Passivhaus is an ultra-energy-efficient building standard that has a < 0.6 ACH @50Pa compared to typical new builds which range from 3-5 ACH or higher. The standard utilises a fabric first approach to design, combined with high performance technologies to reduce energy consumption while maintaining an even temperature throughout the year and a healthy indoor environment. 

Crafted with precision and care a Passivhaus isn't just a sustainable option it's a home that works with nature not against it. Requiring 90% less energy for heating and cooling compared to conventional buildings, a Passivhaus home will have lower energy bills and will stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. 

The Passivhaus home

Below is a diagram illustrating the core Passivhaus principles we incorporate into all our builds, including superior insulation, airtight construction, high performance windows, thermal bridge-free design, and energy efficient ventilation systems for optimal comfort and efficiency.

Passiv mobile
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What is WrightWall/Roof Natural² 

Our WrightWall/Roof Natural² premium eco-insulated panel system provides exceptional thermal performance, ensuring all builds are healthy and warm. Built to meet Passivhaus levels of insulation, this system has standard U-values as low as 0.11 W/m²·K.

This panel system uses STEICOzell wood fibre insulation, which retains excellent insulating properties while storing CO2, with 1kg of insulation holding about 1.4kg of CO2. Made to bespoke designs, these panels are tailored to fit any Architectural design perfectly. 

Wrightwall Natural² panel details

Smartply propassiv osb: This is a high-performance, airtight oriented strand board (OSB) with an integrated vapor control layer, designed for Passive House construction and energy-efficient buildings.

Timber i-joist: A timber i-joist is used in our roof and wall panels to provide superior load-bearing capacity and stability.

Woodfibre blown insulation: Steicozell insulation used in our Natural² panel system is a natural, loose-fill wood fibre insulation made from softwood, offering excellent thermal performance, moisture regulation, and eco-friendliness.

OSB sheathing: This is an engineered wood panel used for structural support in our wall and roof panels, providing rigidity and load distribution.

Breather membrane: This is a moisture-resistant yet breathable layer that protects your structure from external water while allowing internal moisture to escape, preventing condensation and mould.

The benefits of Passivhaus homes

Contact us

Want to discuss plans for your project, organise a visit to our workshops, or just gain some advice? Please get in touch.

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